
Big weekend ahead for the Fergutodds, so the recap on Sunday or Monday should be great – here’s what you’ve got to look forward to:

Gracie, who’s been walking herself to and from school for a week now, has gone home with a friend from school this afternoon. They took the city bus home (which this friend does every day by herself), AND the mom invited me over for wine when I pick her up in just over an hour! So that’ll be fun. And normal.

Saturday, we’re going to Cornwall Park, the park that helped me verbalize why I love this country so much and thought it was so important the girls spend some meaningful time here.

Saturday night, Mark and I are going to the St. Mary’s fundraiser (while Hannah hangs out with the girls). Will soon know if fundraisers and auctions in the Southern Hemisphere are like the ones in the Northern…

Sunday, we’re hiking up Rangitoto, the beautiful volcano across the Hauraki Gulf from us, where we watch the sun rise.

Lots of good stuff coming our way this weekend! Meanwhile, this just happened…


Friday has been a great day, so y’all enjoy it when it finally gets to you!

2 thoughts on “Foreshadowing…

  1. By the way, I love and look forward to your blogs. Kinda feel like I’m sorta going through the experience with you all! Have fun this weekend, looking forward to some great pics! ❤


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